Easily recognisable with its round shape and chewy texture, the bagel is one of the most popular breads in North America. It even has its own National Bagel Day across the Atlantic, celebrated on January 15th.
Versatile, it can be enjoyed as a savoury sandwich or a sweet treat. This adaptability naturally caters to the tastes of each of your guests.
Sprinkled with sesame or poppy seeds, filled with salmon and cream cheese, or even topped with icing (if you’re tempted by a doughnut), the bagel delights the taste buds with its wide range of compositions.
Not only is it delicious, but the bagel also becomes the centrepiece of your events, thanks to the customisable tricycles designed by Lily’s Lab. These autonomous culinary animation units are tailored to your specific needs and branded to your image, just like your staff.